
Doctor Notes - Students, please remember to turn in a note from the doctor, dentist, therapist, etc, if you are at an appointment.  These notes excuse the time they are gone from school.  Excuse notes can also be emailed or faxed.

The Grace A. Dow Memorial Library is always looking for Teen Advisory Board members. This is a great opportunity to meet new friends, enjoy some free snacks, help plan upcoming events, and earn volunteer hours.  The September meeting will take place next Monday, September 11 from 6-7pm at the library.  No need to register in advance. Just drop in!  This month, the activity is an Oreo taste test.

Attention All Athletes:  Athletes need to complete their portion of final forms.  There's a parent section and a student section.  Students need to complete their section so their paperwork will be all set for sports.   Also!  Pay to play money and forms need to be turned into the office by Thursday in order to participate in cross country meets or basketball games! 

Lunch Menus - Lunch menus are in the office for the month of September.

Donuts!  Donuts will be for sale on Friday morning for $1.00 in front of Mr. Habitz's classroom.