BCHS Announcements

D & D Club meeting has been CANCELED for after school today. It is rescheduled for next Friday, September 22nd.

Attention anyone interested in boys basketball - The first preseason open gym will be tomorrow from noon until 1:00 in the BCHS Main Gym

Are you looking for an amazing Homecoming dress? Becca's Closet will host an open house tomorrow from 1 - 4 pm at Midland High School. Stop by the Lancer Lounge for more detailed information.

Homecoming is right around the corner! Tickets will be available to purchase starting NEXT Wednesday, September 20th. If you are interested in bringing a guest - we have guest forms available in the Main Office. Choose a PINK form if your guest attends another Michigan High School (like Meridian, Midland, Freeland etc.). Choose a BLUE form if your guest attends a Virtual High School or they are in College. They will fill out both sides of the form for a background check. Remember - Your guest form must be filled out completely BEFORE you can buy your tickets!

On Wednesday, October 18th, BCHS will be administering the digital PSAT/NMSQT.  Students in 9th-11th grades are invited to register for this optional assessment. During 11th grade, students taking the assessment have the opportunity to compete for a National Merit Scholarship. The test is $20 and students can register in the Counseling Center. We will register students through September 27th or until the 60 tests are reserved.  If you would like more information, stop by the Counseling Center.

Lunch Monday - Chicken strip, mashed potatoes & gravy, breadstick, Goldfish Crackers®, carrots & cucumbers, fruit & milk.