Dear BCHS Families,

1.  At this evening’s home football game, we will be honoring Veterans for the upcoming Veteran’s Day (November 11). During the brief ceremony at the varsity game, there will be a 21 gun salute held by a group of Veterans. The guns do fire blanks and no one will be in harm’s way. Please be aware that the District does not endorse guns on school property; however, prior to attending the game, the District wants to be sure our families understand the ceremonial purpose of this event. I would like to extend an invitation to all of you to come out to the game and support our Veterans as we honor their service.

2.  PSAT/NMSQTOn Wednesday, October 18, BCHS will be administering the digital PSAT/NMSQT.  Students in 9th-11th grades are invited to register for this optional assessment.  During 11th grade, students taking the assessment have the opportunity to compete for a National Merit Scholarship.  The test is $20 and students can register in the Counseling Center. We will register students through September 27 or until the 60 tests are reserved.  If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Brown at brownj@bcreek.org.

3.  Please see the attachment for details regarding the Bullock Creek Homecoming Parade (September 29th).  Homecoming week begins on September 25th.

4.  September 29th – Sophomores will attend the MICareer Quest field trip to Saginaw Valley State University.

5.  Please see follow the link below to see our daily high school announcement.

Have a great weekend!

Curt Moses