BCHS Announcements

We will have our first HERO Club meeting from 3 - 4 this Wednesday in the Distance Learning Room. It is open to current members and anyone interested in finding out more about the club.

Attention Adventurers - DnD Club will not meet this week due to homecoming! If you are interested in being a Dungeon Master (no experience needed) there will be a special DMs meeting Wednesday, October 4th after school in Mrs. Clare's Room, B6. If you have any questions, or are interested in joining after the fall season, please talk to Mrs. Clare.

Homecoming tickets are now on sale during all 3 lunches. Ticket price is $10 per person. If you are planning on bringing a guest, a guest pass needs to be filled out completely before you can purchase a ticket for him/her. This Wednesday is the last day we will accept guest passes...NO EXCEPTIONS!  

Willy Wonka is putting GOLDEN TICKETS in lockers for the Homecoming Dance!  If you happen to be the lucky person to find a GOLDEN TICKET, show it to the ticket sellers and they will give you a FREE dance ticket!

Attention Lancers!!  It's time to start gearing up for Homecoming!! Channel your inner Willy Wonka--but be sure to keep it school appropriate!! 

Tomorrow is Grandparent Day--bad sweaters, old ties, sensible shoes and wigs are appropriate!

Wacky Wonka Wednesday--this is when you wear the wackiest, most mismatched outfit you can come up with!

Thursday is class color Day: support your class by dressing had to toe in the best candy-licious color: 

     Freshmen wear chocolate BROWN; 

     Sophomores wear bubblegum PINK; 

     Juniors wear Twizzlers® RED;

     Seniors wear Airheads® BLUE!

And, of course, Friday is traditional Lancer Black and Gold!

This year we’re bringing back the SPIRIT FLAG by counting participants for spirit points. The grade with the most spirit points will have the honor of displaying the SPIRIT FLAG in their Hallway! Dress up and let’s see what grade has the most SCHOOL SPIRIT!! 

Hey Lancers! Here are the results of your Hallway Decorating Competition! Our esteemed judges looked at quality, effort, relationship to the movie and overall effect. In 4th place are the seniors with their depiction of the Nut Room; third place goes to the freshmen with their take on Violet Beauregard's blueberry mishap! Second place is awarded to the juniors with their "Elevator" hallway...so that leaves first place to the sophomores with Augustus Galoop's chocolate river--no doubt with some help from the Oompa Loompa Moses!!  

Great job on all hallways, people!

Lunch Tuesday - Walking taco - Beef taco meat, lettuce, diced tomatoes & pinto beans, fruit & milk.