Dear BCHS Families,

1. State Testing Schedule for BCHS is as follows…

April 10 – SAT (11th)

April 11 – ACT WorkKeys (11th)

April 12 – PSAT9 (9th)

April 15 – PSAT10 (10th)

April 16 – MSTEP SS/Sci (11th)

*See the attached letter for testing details.

2.  See the attachment for the electronic policy during state testing.

3.  April 19th – ½ day for students

4.  Junior/Senior Prom – April 27th – see the attachment for details.

5.  Good luck to BCHS Robotics (they’re competing at the state competition today)

6.  For the spring season athletics – see the calendar of events on our website  https://www.bcreek.org/

Have a great weekend!