BCHS Announcements

Reminder to anyone interested in participating in wrestling, bowling, or boys basketball - your practices begin on Monday, November 15th. Specific practice times and coach contact information are taped to the main office window. An up to date sports physical must be on file in order to participate.

If you have signed up to play boys basketball, please check your school email for a message from Coach Bradford for practice times on Monday November 15th.  If you have not received an email, please contact Coach Bradford.

Hey juniors and seniors - Are you interested in a career in cosmetology? A representative from Douglas J. Aveda will be here next Friday, November 19th at 1:00 to provide information and answer questions. If you would like to meet with her, please sign up in the Counseling Office.

The Mental Health Theme for November is "Attitude of Gratitude" and our Peer-2-Peer team has some fun activities for you to show your gratitude. During lunches on Monday through Wednesday, you can create a postcard expressing your thanks to a family member, friend, or teacher. You can also sign a colorful leaf to add to our Thankfulness Tree. Stop by to share your thankfulness and grab a treat too, because we are thankful for you!

Lunch Monday - Hot dog, baked beans, Sunchips™, slushie fruit cup  & milk.