BCHS Announcements

Auditions for the spring play, The Internet is Distract--OH LOOK A KITTEN!, will be Wednesday, January 26th from 3:00-5:00 in the auditorium. Audition packets and crew information form are in the Main Office. Please email Mr. Shields if you have any questions.

Attention Seniors! The FAFSA competition against Meridian is still on… We are currently tied and have been staying between 25 and 30 percent for our FAFSA completion rate. Don’t forget to come get a prize from Miss Northup any time after you complete your FAFSA! When we hit 30%, there will be a drawing for a gift card and prizes. Anyone who has the FAFSA completed will be entered to win prizes at every 5% interval. If we make it to our goal of 60%, you will get the opportunity to pie teachers (and Mr. Badour) in the face! Let Miss Northup know if you have any questions.

Lunch Monday - Top your choice of pasta with a choice of cheese, marinara or alfredo sauce, romaine & spinach salad, fresh fruit & milk.