BCHS Announcements

Hey Lancers...as we start a new semester, let's not forget Deacon Orlowski who recently lost his battle with cancer. Tomorrow let's remember him by wearing blue or U of M apparel. Show your Lancer Love!!

Attention students!  If you missed days last week and still have Semester 1 tests to complete, ASI WILL be open this week Tuesday and Wednesday in room 11D from 2:50 - 4:05. Please ask your teachers if you can still complete the tests, if so, you’ll need them sent to ASI for you. 

Auditions for the spring play, The Internet is Distract--OH LOOK A KITTEN!, will be this Wednesday, January 26th from 3:00-5:00 in the auditorium. Audition packets and crew information form are in the Main Office. Please email Mr. Shields if you have any questions.

The CTE Showcase Field Trip is coming up this Friday. If you are a sophomore or junior interested in learning more about the CTE classes of Construction Trades, Greater Michigan Construction Academy, Business Administration, Culinary Arts, Educational Careers, Health Care Tech, Agriscience, Auto Tech, or Woodworking, please turn in your signed permission slip by tomorrow. If you need a permission slip, you can pick one up in the Lancer Lounge.

BCHS will be hosting "Focus on Your Future" workshops on February 18th and March 11th. The free workshops will focus on helping you to feel confident expressing your true self, guiding you on how to navigate through challenges and difficult decisions, and creating values to help you be successful in your future career and personal life. There are limited seats available for the workshop, and you need to sign up with Mrs. Brown by February 1st. 

Lunch Tuesday - Chicken nuggets, taters & gravy, corn, roll, fruit choice & milk.