Dear BCHS Families,

We’re off to a busy start to the school year.  Athletics are in full swing, clubs and activities are forming and student council is working on their first big event of the year...Homecoming.

Let me share some important information…

  • BCHS Picture day – Tuesday, September 13th. If you want to order online, you can use the following link – www.photofactoryusa.com  Use the online password BCHS.
  • Beginning Tuesday, September 6th – all students driving to school must have a parking pass.  Passes are available in the main office.
  • Parking lot safety reminder...the lane directly in front of the building is for Bus drop-off only between 7:20 -7:40.  Mixing cars with busses creates a dangerous situation for students crossing that lane.  Please drop students on the east (parking lot side) of the island.
  • It is our goal that ALL families complete the Free & Reduced lunch form.  You can find the form on our website (bcreek.org) under the Skyward/Family access tab OR use the following link.  https://www.bcreek.org/page/free-and-reduced-lunch-information
  • SHARING TREE Sharing Tree is a Midland County program that provides a holiday gift to those who are in need.  If you are interested in applying to request assistance, there is an application, along with a guideline sheet, attached.  Applications are due by Monday, October 3.  You are encouraged to use the online form by using the QR code or copying the link. If you have any questions, you can contact Lori Brown at brownl@bcreek.org.
  • NO SCHOOL – Friday, September 2nd & Monday, September 5th for the holiday weekend.

Have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.

Curt Moses

Sharing Tree Form https://5il.co/1hdx0

NF Dream Dress https://5il.co/1hdx3

BC Free & Reduced Lunch https://www.bcreek.org/page/fr...