Dear BCHS Families,
Just a few quicks things to share…
1. On Saturday, February 18, 10:00am-3:00pm, Self Love Beauty (SLB) will host their annual Teen Conference in collaboration with the Dove Self-Esteem Project at Saginaw Valley State University in Saginaw, MI!
This conference is targeted to girls in grades 6th-9th to help them find their voice, embrace their awesomeness, gain self-love & confidence and overall well-being. The early bird price is $45 per ticket (some scholarships are available). This includes breakout sessions, panel discussions, lunch, and a session for parents all led by the Dove Self-Esteem Project and SLB Facilitators. All of the teachings will come together in a supportive and fun atmosphere! A flyer is attached to this email with more details.
2. NO SCHOOL on Friday, January 13th and Monday, January 16th.
3. New semester begins on Tuesday, January 17th
4. For our most up-to-date athletic calendar see our website using the following link...
5. If you haven’t had an opportunity to complete our survey and provide your feedback to the district, please take a few minutes and do so. You can access the survey by using the following link.
Have a great long weekend!
Curt Moses