Freshmen Biology classes in their two lab days, learning about Microscopes and then Osmosis…
Crafts in the Creek - Holiday Craft Show - Saturday, December 7th, 9am-3pm @BCMS
Mrs. Martin’s physics students measuring the effect of mass on static friction.
Algebra 1 students at BCHS designing their own towns using linear functions.
Happy Friday!!! AP Bio is learning about Cell Signaling, so we related it to a Rube Goldberg Machine ;). These guys can work hard and play hard too!!! So fun :)
Thanksgiving in Foods & Nutrition class
Yoga in Spanish today...
Congratulations to BCHS Drama on a great performance this weekend!
Congratulations to Autumn Fransen on her recent DAR award.
BCHS Drama Presents...Make Em Laugh. Show schedule for Friday, Saturday & Sunday. See flyer for details.
BCHS kicked off Midland County Kindness Week with “Kindness Rocks”. During lunches, students had the opportunity to paint positive and inspirational messages on rocks.
BCHS (ONLY) will be releasing students at 10:00 today due to a power outage issue. Busses will run as normal. The district internet and phone service is down as well which makes communication delayed. All other buildings will remain in session.
Halloween at the high school.
The Sustainability Game we played in freshman Bio :). Reinforces the importance of smart choices and how sustainability can benefit our environment!!! It’s like the game of life, so they got to practice math too ;). Win win!!!
Mrs. Martin’s physics students working on a new projectile motion problem.
Mrs. Martin’s physics students were observing two velocity vectors being added together.
Creek sophomores at MiCareerQuest.
Creek Equestrian competing this weekend at the state finals.
The Bullock Creek County-Wide Building Trades Program continues to make progress on the house. What a great experience for our students!
Bullock Creek Building Trades making outstanding progress on the house...