Thursday was Absolutely Incredible Kid Day, a national day to encourage and inspire students. Creekers for a Cause celebrated the absolutely incredible kids in Miss Pretzer's classroom by presenting them with special handmade cards and a yummy treat.
almost 3 years ago, Curt Moses
BCHS students competed in Saginaw Valley State University's Math Olympics on March 18. Each student took a 25 question multiple choice math test, pushing their math skills to the limit!
almost 3 years ago, Curt Moses
Math Olympics
Congratulations to our BCHS Drama students and Mr. Shields (director)for an outstanding performance tonight.
almost 3 years ago, Curt Moses
BCHS Drama presents - The Internet Is Distract-Oh Look A Kitten
almost 3 years ago, Curt Moses
BCHS Drama
A physics student helps demonstrate change in momentum by throwing an egg into a sheet. Calculus students investigate what happens to shadow length and the rate the length changes as the glue bottle gets closer or farther away from a light.
almost 3 years ago, Curt Moses
BC Wrestling update…
almost 3 years ago, Curt Moses
BC Wrestling
Bullock Creek athletes compete at states today...Peyton Brooks wins his wrestling match and moves on in competition, boys' bowling moves on to the quarter finals. Good luck Creek athletes!
almost 3 years ago, Curt Moses
Students in Physics demonstrated that if you drop a bowling ball on a cable it will not come back up to its original height due to some energy being converted to heat and sound.
almost 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
science 1
The Bullock Creek High School staff and administration would like to recognize their very own dynamic duo, Mrs. Brown and Mr. Long. We appreciate all their hard work and effort working with our students. Thank you Mrs. Brown and Mr. Long for everything you do.
almost 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
BCHS Band Concert is cancelled (12/16) due to a power outage.
about 3 years ago, Curt Moses
"Physics students were using knowledge of forces and teamwork to try to stack cups in various ways in the shortest time. 5th hr had the lowest average time." - Mrs. Martin
about 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
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"As part of our unit on Renaissance, Reformation, and Exploration, world history students attempted to recreate Renaissance art. Students chose the piece of work last week and did research on the artist, the artist’s style, and the meaning behind the individual piece of art. Our goal? True Renaissance thought … admiration for the arts and support for the arts. Oh, we also hoped for a little fun as well. Renaissance music was played in the background." - Mrs. Poole
about 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
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Congratulations to the BCHS art students who participated in the 12th Annual Community Calendar Contest. Out of the 16 schools that entered the contest, we had 3 finalists...Maeve Crawford, Kaylee Monville, Nevaeh Moore and 1 winner...Ryleigh Monville. Her art will be featured in the 2022 calendar.
over 3 years ago, Curt Moses
Maeve Crawford
Neveah Moore
Kaylee Monville
Ryleigh Monville
What's happening in Mrs. Sawicki's class? "Today in chemistry, we are modeling how to calculate average atomic mass using a mixture of four different types of beans."
over 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
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Bullock Creek Varsity Band at Festival in St John’s High School. A wonderful performance and all 1’s!
over 3 years ago, Shawn Hale
BCHS sponsored an incredibly successful College Application Day! College reps from Davenport, CMU, and SVSU provide their expertise.
over 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
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Senior night at the soccer game!
over 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Mrs. Forbes AP Biology- McMush Lab!
over 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
lab 4
Floyd kindergarten classes using apples as a tool to learn about gravity, building, writing, counting and art.
over 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
Want to build a pollinator garden?!!! Yesterday at Bullock Creek Elementary our students got their hands dirty! Even our principal, Mrs. Bredt was in on the fun!
over 3 years ago, Vicki Mikusko
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