Chemistry and Honors Chemistry were determining the percent by mass of the cream filling of a regular Oreo and a Double Stuf Oreo to determine if Double Stuf are really Double stuffed.

Mr. Milligan's Honors Geometry students using points of concurrency to find the center of gravity of a triangle.

Physics students approximating their power by running up the stairs

Students in Spanish III/IV recently learned about El Día de los Reyes, a holiday tradition in the Spanish-speaking world. Students also enjoyed participating in the tradition of eating the Rosca de Reyes.

It is Exam Week at BCHS. As a way to destress, our Peer-2-Peer team brought in therapy dogs for our students to visit with during lunches. Three dogs were available to greet and pet today. Tomorrow there will be a fourth dog. There were many smiling faces.

Bullock Creek High School and Creekers for a Cause wanted to express our gratitude and appreciation for our transportation staff. They served cocoa, coffee, and doughnuts to the bus drivers during their morning drop-offs at the high school.

Madison Bjorge turning a bowl on the lathe.

Chemistry and Honors Chemistry investigating and identifying types of reactions.

Physics students measuring the coefficient of static friction between a shoe and a wood plank.

The Bullock Creek Varsity Band will be performing their holiday concert tomorrow night (Thursday, December 15th) at 7:00pm in the auditorium. See flyer for additional details.

Today in Mrs. Poole’s government classes, students learned about the seven roles of the president by presenting their researched, creative hats.

As part of their health and well-being unit, students in Spanish III/IV took the opportunity to do some yoga to relieve the stress of the day while simultaneously practicing vocabulary and grammar.

NHS Food Drive 2022

Honors physics students playing tug of war while we study Newton’s laws. The twins went one on one!

TODAY - BCHS Juniors have a fundraiser taking place through Buffalo Wild Wings - A portion of the proceeds go to the 2024 Prom when your present your server with this ticket.

This morning Mrs. Clare's 1st Hour Honors English 9 class debated topics related to Animal Farm.

ATTENTION SENIORS: FAFSA Night at Bullock Creek High School - December 12th from 6:00-7:30p.m. in the high school library.

Mrs. Boman's Educational Careers class is holding a book drive beginning now and running through December 22nd. Please see attached flyer for details. If you need additional information contact Grace Stern ( 23sterg@bcreek.org) or Mrs. Boman ( bomane@bcreek.org).

Last week, Mrs. Poole's World History classes recreated Renaissance art.

Bullock Creek High School Juniors have a fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings on Wednesday, November 30th. Proceeds go to help fund the class of 2024 prom.
*You must present the server with the attached ticket in order for BWW to donate to the class.