Mrs. Martin’s physics students use rotational inertia knowledge to try to balance objects.

Congrats to the following students for placing at Michigan Industrial and Technology Education Society of Michigan regional competition.
Brady Nestle 1st for poker table
Kyle Norris 1st for grandfather clock, recurve bow and grunt call
Dylan Workman 1st for two epoxy tables
Elle Hale 1st place for stool
HadenFelker 1st place for recurve bow
Mason Dana 2nd place for dining room table
All projects move on to the State competition later this week

Congratulations to both Leah and Josh. They're both recipients of the Turnaround Award and represented BCHS very well at the recognition banquet. We're all proud of your success.

Juniors had the opportunity to tour CMU today. They learned about the admission’s process, scholarship opportunities, and applying for financial aid. They toured the campus and ended with the highlight of the day, all you can eat lunch in the Dine & Connect cafeteria. Fire Up Chips!

Thank you to the Midland Kiwanis Club for recognizing the top 10% of our graduating senior class tonight. Congratulations to our top 10%.

Last Friday Mrs. Clare's English 9 classes had a Toga Day to celebrate their current Greek Gods Research Unit!

Congratulations to our BCHS 2024 Prom King and Queen, Gretchen and Brady!

BCHS senior, Kyle Norris, made the new BC podium. It's beautifully done and will be in service for decades to come. Thank you Kyle.

Amazing collection of talent tonight at the BCHS Talent Show. Congratulations to all our performers.

Hanging out with Hannah today and learning more about what she has assisted with across this school year for Dow Conservatory, and of course, most recently the butterfly exhibit was extremely interesting.
Ever wonder who waters all those plants - this girl right here.
Check out her busy calendar of activities, reminding her what needs to be tended to and on what day.
Hannah mentioned she liked and appreciated plants before, but now after this position has a whole new level of love for them.
There is a lot of responsibility in this position and the behind-the-scenes is bigger than what you would imagine when visiting the gardens.
Way to go, Hannah, we appreciate your representation in the community.

6 of our High school students presented at SVSU for the AH Nickless award for an opportunity for scholarships and to show the engineering process. Our students did fantastic! Great job representing the Creek!

Eight BCHS students participated in this year's SVSU Math Olympics.
Charles earned Honorable Mention for the Level 1 competition. Aidan, June, and Adelin earned high praise at the talent show. It's a great day to be a Lancer!

D.A.R.E. Spaghetti Dinner - Tonight 5-8 @ Messiah Lutheran Church - See Flyer for details.

Congratulations to Erin Martin on being recognized as one of SVSU's Heros in Education 2024. BCHS is proud of Mrs. Martin and agrees that she's an exceptional educator and deserving of this honor.

Mrs. Martin’s physics students are working on recording data and calculating the angular and linear speed of mini figs.

Mrs. Martin’s physics students were learning about the difference between linear speed and angular speed.

Congratulations to our newest National Honor Society members.

Congratulations to Gretchen who was awarded the Faith Ganter Leadership Award/Scholarship at the end of MCYL.

The pits of BlitzCreek have been busy explaining the game and our robot to Mr. Hale, Representative Amos O'Neal, and the Saginaw Futures Organization.

Bullock Creek Robotics Team 3770 competing at the state competition...GO CREEK!